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RCC Green Committee Update

An update on course conditions:
There are some dry spots on the course and Payson West and his team are addressing these. It is a fine line trying to keep the course firmer then wetter and avoiding dry spots. We have got a lot of comments from members, they like how the course is firmer. We will be hand watering these spots and water cycles in the evening will being increased base on weather forecasts. We would much rather have dry spots then wet muddy spots because dry turf is healthier than wet muddy turf and is a better playing condition. Some of the spots that look dry, is actually the Bermuda that we do have, going dormant. Examples are 5 tee box, 2 fairway and front part of 12 fairway. The Bermuda going dormant will help the rye to expand in these areas, especially as we move into spring. With colder temperatures in the evening now, germination of seed will just not happen. So, for that reason staring next week, on the range, will be hitting off matts 3 days a week, to try and preserve some of the range to use over the next couple months. I am sure you have noticed the left side of the range in 30 days, was completely dug up from divots. We did re-seed and sand, but germination as I mentioned, is not happening because of the colder nighttime weather. Our range gets a ton of usage, so we will look into a solar blanket to try and help with grass growth during the winter season. Our goal is to balance from being too wet, to being too dry, and give members the best playing turf possible.
Chris Wilson
Green Committee Chair